

Unification in particle physics

The Standard Model (SM) unifies the weak and electromagnetic interactions in the following sense: one starts by postulating the existence of a gauge field for the group SU(2)xU(1), that is, a one form with values in the Lie algebra of this group. We may call this the "electroweak" gauge field because these data are not enough to tell which components of the fields have to do with the weak interactions and which ones with electromagnetism. One then assumes that there exists a "pointer" that identifies a special direction in the Lie algebra. The component of the gauge field in this direction is identified with the electromagnetic potential A, the components in the orthogonal directions with the W and Z bosons, the carriers of the weak interactions. We do not really know for sure what the pointer is. It is usually thought of as the Vacuum Expectation Value (VEV) of a scalar field, but more complicated possibilities exist.

While this may be called a unification, in the sense that the observed fields A, W and Z are identified as components of a single geometrical object, it falls short in another sense, namely the number of couplings. It would be desirable, in a unified theory, to have a single gauge coupling. But in the SM we are allowed to choose the couplings of the SU(2) and U(1) parts of the electroweak field independently. When the electroweak field is decomposed into its electromagnetic and weak components, these couplings get reshuffled and give rise to the electromagnetic and weak coupling. Two couplings go into the theory and two come out: from this point of view it is sometimes said that in the SM we do not have a real unification but rather a mixing.

It did not take long before physicists started to extend the SM, with a twofold purpose: one was to include also the strong interactions, the other to achieve unification in the sense of having a unique gauge coupling. The result of these efforts were the so-called Grand Unifed Theories (GUTs). As in the SM, the core idea is to identify the electroweak gauge field and the SU(3) strong gauge fields (known as gluons) as components of a "unified" gauge field for some larger group G. For this, G must contain U(1), SU(2) and SU(3) as subgroups; for coupling unification one would also require the group G to be simple (which means, roughly speaking, that it is not a product of smaller groups). A priori there is an embarrassment of choices. Important guidance to identify the correct group G comes from consideration of the fermionic matter fields. Such fields (electrons, neutrinos, quarks etc.) can be classified according to their charges, which are integer or fractional numbers that prescribe their behavior under gauge transformations. The charges of each field are known, and requiring that the corresponding particles be the components of a single object transforming properly under the action of the group G imposes strong constraints on any attempt at unification. Using such constraints, several viable paths towards grand unification were identified in the late seventies. The most successful one is based on the group G=SO(10). This GUT achieves several goals: 1) it is based on one of the smallest groups containing SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1); 2) it is simple and therefore achieves coupling unification; 3) all fermions belonging to a so-called generation form a single 16-dimensional object under SO(10); 4) it predicts the existence of right-handed neutrinos and 5) it is not ruled out by experimental bounds on the proton lifetime.

The Higgs phenomenon

A crucial ingredient in any modern unified theory is the identification of what I called earlier a "pointer". It is crucial that the dynamics of the unified theory be invariant under gauge transformations; the breaking of the symmetry is due entirely to the existence of the pointer, whose physical nature is to some extent immaterial. In the SM it is assumed that the special direction associated with electromagnetism is identified by the vacuum expectation value of a fundamental scalar field in the complex two-component spinor representation of SU(2), the Higgs field. The effect of the VEV is that the W and Z particles get a mass whereas the photon remains massless. While perfectly adequate, this mechanism is by no means necessary: the pointer may be something more sophisticated, like a dynamical condensate of fermion bilinears with the same quantum numbers as the Higgs field. This interpretation, which has been developed extensively in technicolor theories, is supported by the analogy to other instances of symmetry breaking that occur in condensed matter physics and, to some extent, in QCD. The truth is that there is no precedent in particle physics, making the search for the Higgs particle at LHC such an exciting endeavour. 

The identification of the pointer with the VEV of a scalar field is an adaptation of ideas that had been used previously in condensed matter physics. One postulates that the scalar Lagrangian contains a potential, whose shape can be changed by tuning a mass parameter. Typically, when the square of the mass parameter is positive the minimum of the potential, and hence the VEV of the scalar field is zero. For negative mass squared the potential has its minimum at a nonzero value, and the scalar field develops a nonzero VEV. In the case of a real scalar field with a potential that depends on the square of the field, and hence is invariant under the transformation of the field into minus itself, a nonzero VEV breaks this twofold symmetry. In the case of multicomponent scalar fields transforming under some group G, a G-invariant potential can be found whose minima break G to any subgroup H. So the nice feature of the Higgs phenomenon is that it can be used to describe any symmetry breaking phenomenon. Furthermore, by tuning the parameters, one can describe several states of the theory (or "phases", in the language of condensed matter physics) characterized by different symmetries. Once again, note that the symmetry is a property of the state and not of the Lagrangian, which is always invariant under the full gauge group.

In a GUT one generally needs more than one pointer, to tell us how G is broken to SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1), and subsequently SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) is broken to SU(3)xU(1). In the case G=SO(10) it turns out that, roughly speaking, one has to split 10=4+6, giving rise to two commuting subgroups SO(4) and SO(6), and then one has to further identify within SO(4) the electroweak SU(2)xU(1) and within SO(6) the strong SU(3). This is achieved again by postulating the existence of various Higgs fields.  By tuning free parameters in the Higgs potentials, one can achieve different VEVs with different symmetries: when the VEV is zero the theory is fully symmetric under G, and when all the Higgses have nonvanishing VEVs the theory is invariant only under the unbroken group U(1)xSU(3) which is observed at low energy. By turning some VEVs on and off one can achieve many different intermediate states which correspond to different "symmetry breaking chains", and thereby give different masses to different components of the gauge field.


In addition to breaking the symmetry, each VEV defines a different energy or mass scale. We are aware of three different fundamental scales in nature, each associated to a fundamental interaction. These are: the QCD scale, of the order of 1 GeV, the electroweak scale of the order of 100 GeV and the Planck scale, of the order of 10^19 GeV. The origin of these scales is still somewhat mysterious. The lowest one lies in an energy regime that has been fully explored experimentally, and corresponds to the onset of strong coupling phenomena in QCD. In the SM, the electroweak scale is associated to the Higgs VEV of 246 GeV. This energy range is just being explored by LHC and we will soon know whether the last bit of the SM will fall into place as expected. The Planck scale is way too far to be accessible directly, so all we can say about it is based on low energy gravity phenomena and speculation.

Typical GUTs have a characteristic scale, given by the VEV of the relevant Higgs field, that is only two or three orders of magnitude below the Planck scale. The hypothesis that there is nothing between the electroweak and the GUT scale is known as the "great desert". If one believes in coupling unification this hypothesis is disfavored. In fact, if one runs the renormalization group for the three SM gauge couplings starting from their low energy values, one finds that they come close but do not exactly meet at the GUT scale. One popular fix is supersymmetry, which would be broken at some scale above the TeV, and makes the unification of couplings much more accurate. But the presence of other intermediate scales could achieve the same result. In fact, typical GUT symmetry breaking chains usually assume the existence of one or more such intermediate scales. In this case the SM Higgs VEV would mark only the first of a number of scales that would end near the Planck scale.

The strength of the gravitational coupling between two particles is a dimensionless number given by the product of their center of mass energy, or the momentum transfer, times Newton's constant. This number is exceedingly small at low energy: even at one TeV its is of order 10^{-32}. But this number depends quadratically on energy (in contrast to the gauge couplings that run only logarithmically) and it becomes comparable to the other gauge couplings near the Planck scale. It has been suggested that the nearness of the GUT and the Planck scales is a sign that gravity also becomes unified with the other interactions at that scale.

Einstein vs. Cartan

One wonders whether the unification mechanism that has been used in the SM and in GUTs could be further extended to encompass also the gravitational interactions. At least up to a point, the answer is positive. Since nongravitational interactions are now all understood to be gauge interactions, and given that gauge fields can be interpreted mathematically as connections, this requires that also gravity be seen as the theory of a connection, a point of view that has also been emphasized by Ashtekar and in loop quantum gravity.

General relativity, the relativistic theory of gravity, is typically described in textbooks as the theory of the metric. A connection appears also in general relativity, but it is not an independent field: it is given by a formula that relates it to the metric, in such a way that given a metric one also automatically has a connection. This formula is never given a very convincing justification: it works, and it makes things simpler, and that is usually considered to be enough. There are extensions of general relativity where the connection is treated as an independent field, but the difference between these theories and ordinary general relativity could only manifest itself at high energy, in a regime that is outside the experimental domain. Einstein was aware of these extensions, but given that all we know about gravity can be successfully modelled with general relativity, he never saw much use for them.

Einstein's pragmatic attitude should be contrasted with that of mathematicians.
A physicist is interested in the description of reality, but a mathematician is free to develop the formalism to the full. The significance of connections as independent entities has been emphasized in the mathematical literature beginning with Elie Cartan, who was one of the founders of modern differential geometry. He, and his student Ehresmann, developed among others the notion of connection in a fiber bundle , that was later to play an important role in the geometry of gauge fields, and the notion of moving frame, which is widely used in general relativity. While ultimately equivalent to Einstein's in physical terms, Cartan's approach is "unification-friendly" in a way that Einstein's is not.

The point is that viewing the gravitational connection as a gauge field for the Lorentz group (or perhaps its extension, the linear group) we can try to consider it as a piece of a larger unified gauge field that also contains the GUT gauge field. We will call a unified theory of this type a "GraviGUT", to emphasize that it is a direct extension to gravity of the unification philosophy that is used in particle physics. This idea has not been developed to the same extent as GUTs have: there are two very suggestive pieces of evidence in its favor, and several major obstacles.

The gravitational Higgs mechanism

Modern unified theories rely heavily on the Higgs phenomenon as a way to generate mass for the gauge field in a gauge-invariant way. It is therefore very suggestive that a variant of Higgs phenomenon is already at work in ordinary general relativity, if only we adopt Cartan's point of view.

To make this manifest, one has to think of the connection as a gauge field for the linear group. Then, there are two additional fields in the theory: a moving linear frame (*not* an orthonormal frame!) and a metric. It is unusual to use both metric and frame as dynamical fields. This certainly makes for a clumsy and redundant formalism, but our aim here is not to do explicit calculations. The redundancy could be eliminated by making one of two standard gauge choices: to choose a nondynamical coordinate frame, in which case the metric is the only degree of freedom, or an orthonormal frame, in which case the metric is nondynamical and the frame is the only degree of freedom. But for now let's choose to remain in an arbitrary linear gauge.

In Einstein's theory one assumes that the connection is compatible with the metric and with the frame, in the sense that the covariant derivative of the metric and the exterior covariant derivative of the frame both vanish. This selects a unique connection, which is then given by the formula mentioned earlier. If we do not make these assumptions, it is very natural to add to the Lagrangian terms quadratic in the covariant derivative of the metric and in the covariant exterior derivative of the frame: such terms are just the obvious kinetic terms of the dynamical fields. But then one sees that these terms are just a gauge-invariant way of writing masses for the linear connection, exactly as the kinetic term of the Higgs field is a gauge invariant way of writing a mass term for the W and Z fields.

This provides an explanation for the fact that an independent connection does not appear in low energy gravitational phenomena: it gets mass from a gravitational Higgs phenomenon occurring at the Planck scale, and hence cannot be excited at low energies. While this Higgs phenomenon has nothing to do with unification, it is easy to generalize the formalism in such a way that it does.


The other piece of evidence is of a rather different nature: it is not related to the geometry of the linear connection, but rather to the group theory of the fermion representations. It is a rather striking feature of GUTs that they do not predict the existence of new fermion fields in addition to those that are already known. The known fermions fall into three "families" that are completely identical except for the different masses. If new fermions existed, one would expect them to come as entire additional families, and there are experimental constraints that make the existence of additional families unlikely.

Since fermions behave as spinors under Lorentz transformations, but do not have a specified behavior under linear transformations, in order to meaningfully talk of fermions in general relativity one has to assume that the connection is metric, or equivalently that it is a gauge field for the Lorentz group. So we leave aside some of the freedom discussed above and we assume that the connection is Lorentz and we also choose the gauge where the frame is orthonormal.

From here on we restrict our attention to a single fermion family. It consists of 16 left-handed Weyl spinors (under Lorentz), representing two leptons (in the first family, the electron and the corresponding neutrino) and six quarks (in the first family, the up and down quarks, each in three colors). It is one of the most compelling features of SO(10) GUT that these fields form a single object under the action of SO(10), namely a Weyl representation. In GUT, it remains unexplained why the fields that are spinors under the Lorentz transformations are also spinors under the SO(10) transformations.

If we consider gravity as a gauge theory for the Lorentz group, it seems natural to try and unify it with the already unified strong and electroweak interactions by regarding SO(3,1) and SO(10) as commuting subgroups in SO(3,11), and the corresponding gauge fields as components of a unified SO(3,11) gauge field. A nontrivial test of this hypothesis would be to check whether the fermions form representations of this GraviGUT group. The 16 Weyl spinors of one family are a set of 32 complex numbers, which in turn can be viewed as 64 real numbers. It turns out that these real numbers can be rearranged into the simplest, 64-dimensional real spinorial representation of SO(3,11), called the Majorana-Weyl representation. (For the cognoscenti, it may at first sound odd that a real representation of SO(3,11) corresponds to a complex representation of the subgroup SO(3,1)xSO(10). The point is that when one arranges the 64 real numbers of the Majorana-Weyl representation into 32 complex numbers, and looks at the form taken by the representation matrices, the generators in the subgroup SO(3,11)xSO(10) correspond to complex linear transformations but those not in the subgroup correspond to complex antilinear transformations.)

Assuming that the bosonic part of the theory generates the appropriate nontrivial VEVs to produce the correct symmetry breaking chain, one can write a Lagrangian for the fermionic fields that reduces at low energy to the correct one describing fermions coupled to strong, electroweak and gravitational interactions.


Given the effort and the ingenuity that has been spent in attempts to construct unified theories, it may be surprising that this idea has not been put forward before. Actually, one has to distinguish the old attempts at unification (meaning the ones in the first half of the XX century) from the modern ones (mostly by particle physicists, in the second half of the XX century). It turns out that in one of his many attempts at a unified theory of gravity and electromagnetism, Einstein came close to the idea of GraviGUT, in the sense that the electromagnetic and gravitational connections were regarded, in modern language, as components of a connection in a five dimensional vectorbundle (Einstein and Maier 1931-32). Einstein was not satisfied and abandoned this approach, but it is clear that at the time one could not even properly formulate the correct questions.

Modern approaches to unification have followed, more or less literally, the higher dimensional philosophy of Kaluza and Klein. I believe that there are two main obstacles, one false and one real, that have so far prevented the development of a GraviGUT: the first is a misinterpretation of the Coleman-Mandula theorem, the second the issue of ghosts.

The Coleman-Mandula theorem states that under a number of hypotheses, the symmetries of a theory must be the direct product of the Poincare group and a group of internal transformations. The pop version of the theorem states that "one cannot mix spacetime and internal transformations", and if one forgets all the hypotheses that go into the theorem one would seem to come to the conclusion that a form of unification such as GraviGUT is forbidden. But there is a number of examples in which spacetime and internal symmetries get mixed, and they do not violate the theorem because in such examples some of the hyptheses of the theorem do not hold. Likewise, GraviGUT does not violate the theorem. In GraviGUT one can envisage two phases of the theory: the broken phase in which the ground state is Minkowski spacetime,
and the symmetric phase, in which the VEV of the appropriate order parameter is zero. In the former, the hypotheses of the Coleman-Mandula theorem hold true, and it is indeed the case that the GraviGUT symmetry is broken to a product of independent internal and spacetime transformations. In the latter, where gravity is undifferentiated from the other interactions, the spacetime metric vanishes and the hypotheses of the theorem do not hold. Thus GraviGUT is never in contrast with the Coleman-Mandula theorem. This has been originally pointed out here.

A much more serious issue is the one of the ghosts. It appears as soon as one allows in the Lagrangian terms quadratic in the curvature tensor. The simplest such term is the gravitational analogue of the Yang-Mills action, the square of the Riemann tensor. Since the Lorentz group is noncompact, the Hamiltonian corresponding to this Lagrangian is not positive definite. An analysis of the generic Lagrangian quadratic in curvature shows that this is a generic conclusion in theories with torsion.

The only conceivable way out of this issue is that quantum effects will save the day. Perhaps the closest analog would be confinement in QCD: there too, the bare Lagrangian is not a good guide to the physical spectrum of the theory. The fact that the bare Lagrangian of QCD does not suffer from unphysical modes is not the point here; the point is that quantum effects prevent quarks and gluons from appearing as free particles. Likewise, one may imagine that quantum effects suppress the propagation of the ghost states. In fact, a mechanism that could lead to this conclusion has been discussed here and here and here. Whether this is really the case is worth studying in greater detail.

Another issue is that the Lagrangians that one usually writes require a nondegenerate metric, and in the symmetric phase of a GraviGUT the metric vanishes. There is no problem writing an action that describes the theory in the broken phase. It is harder but not impossible to write one that makes sense in both phases, and then the phases manifest themselves as different solutions of the equations of motion. To some extent this has been discussed here.
It is doubtful that a GraviGUT can be constructed where the transition between phases can be studied by tuning a mass parameter, as in the GUT Higgs potentials.

In SO(3,11) GraviGUT, all fermions in one family form a single representation. The three families have to be postulated as three independent copies of the same representation. This is no better and no worse than the SM. Thus the question that was raised by Rabi in connection with the muon ("who ordered that?") remains as open as ever. In particle physics there have been attempts to answer that question by postulating a symmetry that rotates the families into each other, but they were not successful. A bold extension of the GraviGUT idea that would also answer that question is Lisi's "Exceptionally simple theory of everything" based on E8. In Lisi's approach all fields - bosonic and fermionic - would be embedded in a single adjoint representation of E8. This approach faces considerable challenges in addition to the ones that we have already mentioned for any GraviGUT, and remains for the time being even more speculative.